• Typo miss in pamphlet


    冊子のp.36 62番 紫鴻画廊の常設展紹介に全く異なる内容が入っておりました。 ここに正しい内容に修正してご案内申し上げます。 ご迷惑をおかけしまして、大変申し訳ございません。深くお詫び申し上げます。 紫鴻画廊の展示内容とは無関係のものですので、お越しの際はお間違...

  • Where to find our pamphlet and map


    We are basically distributing them at the participating galleries. But you can also find them at: Tokyo Square Garden, Tokyo Chuo City Tourist Information Center in KYOBASHI EDOGRAND, Nihonbashi Tourism Information Center in Nihonbashi COREDO, Near by hotel...

  • Where to find our pamphlet and map


    There has been some question about where to find the pamphlet and map of Tokyo Art & Antiques. We are basically distributing them at the participating galleries. But you can also find them at: Tokyo Chuo City Tourist Information Center in KYOBASHI EDOGR...

  • Pamphlet for this year is available now


    We are pleased to announce are new pamphlet for 2017 is ready to be download. Download Here The actual printed pamphlet will be available at participating galleries at the end of March. Moreover, Art Fair Tokyo at Tokyo International Forum (Yurakucho, Tokyo...

  • Questionnaire Form


    There is a questionnaire form at the end of the pamphlet. If you can read japanese, you can fill in the form and put it in the questionnaire box at the gallery. The galleries also has copies of the form so you do not necessary have to wrip off the page if y...

  • Take pamphlet free at Ginza and Kyobashi station


    Tokyo Art & Antique's pamphlet can be found in the subway GInza station and Kyobashi station! Take free when you stop by![postscript 3/22] The pamplhet can also be found at Nihinbashi station and Mitsukoshi-mae station now.

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