• Hello RadioCity! The way you listen to Chuo FM has changed


    The way to listen to Chuo FM online has changed. Starting in September, you can listen to the broadcast immediately by accessing this URL: https://www.jcbasimul.com/radiocity   You will now be able to listen from your browser on both your smartphone and co...

  • Tokyo Art & Antiques will be on air at Chuo FM!


    On April 14th, 19th and 21st, Tokyo Art & Antiques will be introduced on Chuo FM's "Hello! Radio City", a community radio station in Chuo Ward. We will introduce about 7 galleries in all.  On the 14th (Friday), we will introduce this year's highlights o...

  • How to listen to Chuo FM


    中央区のコミュニティラジオ、中央エフエムのラジオ番組「Hello! Radio City」(84.0MHz)では、中央区の魅力、情報をお届けしています! 京橋、日本橋でお仕事をされている方だけではなく、全国にリスナーがいらっしゃいます。 へぇ〜!と思わず声に出てしまう、 地元で頑張っ...

  • Chuo FM on air 4/13


    The member of Organizing Committee of Tokyo Art & Antiques will be talking on air on April 13(wed) in between 12pm to 1pm.Please look forward!>>Chuo FM website

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