Chuo FM Hello! Radio City on air
Tokyo Art &Antiques was introduced in Chuo FM Hello! Radio City, a radio broadcast of local informations. It will be on air again at 6pm on84.0 MHz. http://fm840.jp/index.html
Tokyo Art &Antiques was introduced in Chuo FM Hello! Radio City, a radio broadcast of local informations. It will be on air again at 6pm on84.0 MHz. http://fm840.jp/index.html
The images of art works to be bid on for the Charity Auction event starts to be announced from today. You may see 7 art works, which are from Gallery SUIHA : 5 print works of Picasso, Fujita Tsuguharu, Nara Yoshitomo, Kusama Yayoi, Murakami Takashi KAKEI's ...
荒川正明 私がやきものに興味を持ちだしたのは、学生時代からです。大学で専門にやきものを学んだことはなく、単に大学のサークル活動がきっかけで、あくまで遊び半分でした。史学部というサークルは、当時、根津美術館の奥田直栄先生が顧問をされ、戦国時代の城郭跡などの...
The pamphlet of Tokyo Art & Antiques of 2018 will be distributed from March 8 at the Tokyo Art Fair 2018 held at the Tokyo International Forum in Yurakucho. Many galleries of Tokyo Art & Antqiques also participates in Tokyo Art Fair. Please com...
*Gallery Suiha will have 2 terms. 1st term: 16-21 (open bid on 21), 2nd term: 23-28 (open bid on 28) Charity bid will be held at the galleries bellow. Part of the profit will be donated to charity organizations.(Please ask the gallery which organization th...
Collaboration Exhibition of Asian Antiques and "avant-garde" flower arrangement. * You can enjoy Chinese, Japanese and Korean Old Ceramics. * Special Catalog (free) Kamei Norihiko
As an opening exhibition sale, we exhibit Oriental and Western antique art, mainly Chinese pottery. Also, we have fragments of Chinese old kiln such as Ding and Longquan. We are dealing with items that are from everyday use antiques to museum pieces. Our ga...
To thank our customers, we will provide Ko-imari for everyday use at an affordable price only during the Tokyo Art & Antiques. Don't miss this chance!
The next Tokyo Art & Antiques will be held from April 26 to 28. We are planing many exhibitions, talk events, hopefully collaborations and more! Please look forward. <Neighbor Information> At Ginza, an art event called "Xmas Art Festa" will be h...
We are pleased to announce the total amount of donation collected by the Charity auction event.The sum of donation provided by the 12 galleries whom participated the Charity auction of 2016 Tokyo Art & Antiques was 242,500 yen. We thank the visitors for...