• Art in Tokyo YNK vol.5


    Venue: Tokyo Square Garden Art Gallery (1F Entrance hall)   Art in Tokyo YNK" will be held at Tokyo Square Garden from November 6th to January 19th, 2024.  Art in Tokyo YNK" has been held several times from November 2021 as a new attempt to disseminate cont...

  • Fusho in Kyoto "Yadokari"


    *This exhibition is not held at Kyobashi gallery.   November 23rd (Thursday/Holiday) 14:00-19:00November 24th (Fri) - 26th (Sun) 11:00 - 18:00Until 16:00 on the last day Venue:  Gallery Yasuhara 371 Higashiiri Motomachi, Furumonzen-dori Yamato-oji, Higashi...

  • "Shopkeeper's Koba" vol.4 Ichibanboshi Gallery Hoshigan's article has been published.


    「店主の小咄」vol.4 は、日本橋にある一番星画廊の星巌さんにご寄稿いただきました。 「日本橋のオアシス」https://www.tokyoartantiques.com/vol.4/  ▼バックナンバーはこちら ■店主の小咄 vol.1 | ブックカバーのこと(展覧会ポスター夜話) 【ギャラリーこちゅうきょ 伊...

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