Announcement of Tokyo Art & Antiques 2016
The Tokyo Art & Antiques will be held on the fallowing days in the year 2016.Thu. 14th, Fri. 15th, and Sat. 16th April.Please look forward to the events and exhibitions.
The Tokyo Art & Antiques will be held on the fallowing days in the year 2016.Thu. 14th, Fri. 15th, and Sat. 16th April.Please look forward to the events and exhibitions.
Informations of exhibitions and events by participating galleries of Tokyo Art & Antiques is updated.
Tokyo Art & Antiques 2015 will be held on:Thursday 16th, April to Saturday 18th Saturday.The galleries will be looking forward for your visit preparing events and special exhibitions.
白洲信哉さん、青柳恵介さんと東京アートアンティークを歩きませんか? それぞれお気に入りのお店に案内して下さいます。 お二人が どんなものに目をつけて、お店のご主人とどんなお話をするのか楽しみですね。 もしかしたら奥から秘蔵の品が出てくるかも...。 ツアー申し込...
In the Momoyama period (the 16th century), the first Raku ware was made by Chojiro, the founder of Raku ware, after receiving orders from Sen no Rikyu, Japan's most famous Tea Ceremony artist. Chojiro's unique skill of hand forming has been passed on for ov...
13:00 - Allong with "BISAI" at Kashima Arts, talk event will be held refering to Gaho Hashimoto's art works and the surroundings.
2013年4月27日(土)4月28日(日)12:30 〜13:30 無料 花筥-HANABAKO-:03-3272-0505 花筥にて開催する「めし茶碗 〜大口コレクションの一部を〜」 では、「半端物やダメージの有るお茶碗を販売します。小さな欠けや割れは、金繕いをすれば末長く楽しんでいただけます。 古美...