The encounter with the pottery and my catalogue production at Kyobashi
荒川正明 私がやきものに興味を持ちだしたのは、学生時代からです。大学で専門にやきものを学んだことはなく、単に大学のサークル活動がきっかけで、あくまで遊び半分でした。史学部というサークルは、当時、根津美術館の奥田直栄先生が顧問をされ、戦国時代の城郭跡などの...
荒川正明 私がやきものに興味を持ちだしたのは、学生時代からです。大学で専門にやきものを学んだことはなく、単に大学のサークル活動がきっかけで、あくまで遊び半分でした。史学部というサークルは、当時、根津美術館の奥田直栄先生が顧問をされ、戦国時代の城郭跡などの...
To thank our customers, we will provide Ko-imari for everyday use at an affordable price only during the Tokyo Art & Antiques. Don't miss this chance!
We are offering best Raku wares of from Chojiro the 1st to Raku Kichizaemon the 15th and other beautiful tea utensils.
Lecturer: Masaaki Arakawa (Professor of Japanese Art History at Gakushuin University) Interviewer: Tadashi Kawashima (President of Mayuyama & Co., Ltd.)
The next Tokyo Art & Antiques will be held from April 26 to 28. We are planing many exhibitions, talk events, hopefully collaborations and more! Please look forward. <Neighbor Information> At Ginza, an art event called "Xmas Art Festa" will be h...
We are pleased to announce the total amount of donation collected by the Charity auction event.The sum of donation provided by the 12 galleries whom participated the Charity auction of 2016 Tokyo Art & Antiques was 242,500 yen. We thank the visitors for...
The 2017 Tokyo Art & Antiques Festival was held for 2 days in Nihonbashi and Kyobashi area where the cherry blossoms still bloomed in a great spring weather. This year, the participating galleries reached 86 galleries, which is 7 more than last year, a...
Tokyo Art & Antiques 2017 has ended on April 15. We thank you very much for many visitors at the event. We are now planning to upload the event reports such as the event scenes little by little from now on. We are also planning to announce the results a...