'art kawasaki' map errata
There was an error in position of art kawasaki on the map.(The download version PDF is corrected)Please be careful when visiting. The gallery on the pamphlet is mistaken one block.This is the correct position.
There was an error in position of art kawasaki on the map.(The download version PDF is corrected)Please be careful when visiting. The gallery on the pamphlet is mistaken one block.This is the correct position.
Tokyo Art & Antiques have made an Art Map of Ginza, Kyobashi, Nihonbashi.It can be used through out the year.PDF version can be downloaded at the top page.
We'd like to introduce some magazines that previewed Tokyo Art & Antiques.Art Collectors' (April) p80Edo-gaku (April) p.44MIND'S EYE (May) p130Small Bud (May) p62GEIJUTSU SHINCHO (April) p127
Short essays written by some galleries on Nihonbashi and Kyobashi is updated on the website.(in Japanese)http://www.tokyoartantiques.com/interview-with-owner/
Tokyo Art & Antique 2015 Pamplet Errata:(The download version PDF is corrected)p.31 KASEIDO phone numberError: 03-3564-3348Correct: 03-3564-3318p.31 Oriental Art KunsyodoError: 古美術 薫匠堂Correct: 薫匠堂p.32 Antiquary BokeError: 木古美術 木瓜Correct: ...
Informations of exhibitions and events by participating galleries of Tokyo Art & Antiques is updated.
Tokyo Art & Antiques 2015 pamphlet will be available at each gallery from next week.You can download the full PDF from the top page of this website.18 galleries of Tokyo Art & Antiques are participating in Art Fair Tokyo 2015 at the Tokyo Internatio...