Search Result: 48件
Park Doo-Young Solo Exhibition
About my Artwork I agree with the philosophical view of Nelson Goodman that the given real world is nothing but a fiction, understanding of its existence is impossible and it just consists of the multilayer of world visions which the real world itself produ...
Life on this planet
"Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in the global environment that humankind exerts have ...
Tokyo Art & Antiques 2016 Charity Auction (Bid)
Charity bid will be held at the 12 galleries bellow. Part of the profit will be donated to charity organizations.(Please ask the gallery which organization the gallery will donating.) How to partícipate1. Check some the art works at the website. (Note: The...
Pamphlet of Tokyo Art & Antiques 2014
Tokyo Art & Antique 2015 Pamplet Errata:(The download version PDF is corrected)p.31 KASEIDO phone numberError: 03-3564-3348Correct: 03-3564-3318p.31 Oriental Art KunsyodoError: 古美術 薫匠堂Correct: 薫匠堂p.32 Antiquary BokeError: 木古美術 木瓜Correct: ...
Interview at Oriental Art Tenpo-Do vol.2
増田圭吾氏 Q)今回どのような美術品についてお話いただけるのでしょうか? A)大津絵というものについてお話しようと思います。自分が一番好きなものですから。 元々大津絵というのは、今の滋賀県の大津市、当時東海道五十三次の中の大津宿(追分)という所で作られていたお土産...
Interview at Oriental Art Tenpo-Do
Interview at Oriental Art KUNSYODO
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