From the Heian period to Modern Times
Matsumoto Shoeido Tokyo Office will hold "From the Heian period to Modern Times" exhibition. We have selected fine Japanese paintings of each era. Please feel and enjoy the history of Japanese art.
Matsumoto Shoeido Tokyo Office will hold "From the Heian period to Modern Times" exhibition. We have selected fine Japanese paintings of each era. Please feel and enjoy the history of Japanese art.
Ito Jakuchu, Soga Shohaku, Nagasawa Rosetsu, Hakuin Ekaku. This exhibition focuses on these unordinary painters from Edo era. Suzuki Kiitsu and Iwasa Matabei will also be on view. Please contact Kashima Arts for free catalog.
The 2018 Tokyo Art & Antiques Festival was held for 3 days in Nihonbashi and Kyobashi area early summer like weather. This year, the participating galleries reached 89 galleries, which is 3 more than last year, and 52 galleries held exhibitions to welc...
We have interviewed the artist, Yo Seto and Haruomi Izumi, at their group exhibition at SHIKISAISHA. Gallery information here
We have interviewed the artist, Yukiko Aoki, at her solo exhibition at Hayashida gallery. Gallery information here
三谷 晴弘 現在「日本画」と呼ばれている絵画の定義は、絹や和紙に岩絵具を使って描かれた絵画をいうのが一般的です。この絵画技法は中国で生まれ、敦煌の壁画などにも使われていて鮮やかな色彩を今に伝えています。その後技法は日本にも伝わり大和絵など通して発展しました...
Holding an art exhibition of Japanese artists work from Meiji, Taisho and Showa period (1868〜1989). We wish you to visit our exhibition and take opportunity to feel traditional Japanese art works. [Artists]Yasushi Sugiyama, Tuguharu Fujita, Senjin Gokura, ...
Kashima Arts is proud to present BISAI, a sales exhibition of Japanese Painting and Calligraphy, from April 21st through May 6, 2018. Ranging from traditional scrolls, calligraphy to modern arts, we exhibit over 400 pieces of works in our sophisticated gall...
"Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in the global environment that humankind exerts have ...
"Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in the global environment that humankind exerts have ...