Animals in the Antiques
About my Artwork I agree with the philosophical view of Nelson Goodman that the given real world is nothing but a fiction, understanding of its existence is impossible and it just consists of the multilayer of world visions which the real world itself produ...
Guy Dessapt was born in 1938 in Le Creusot in France. In 1955 he was enrolled in Atleier Deval to study paintings and decorative arts, where he learned about the style of the French Impressionist. After a travel to Italy, he returned to France to settle in ...
ZEN Exibition was held at the National Museum last year. Master Hakuin was highly spotlighted in that Exhibition. During the Art-Fair, we will hold an Exhibition and Sale of such popular Master Hakuin and his related Bokuseki(Calligraphiy) and Bokuga(Painti...
"Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in the global environment that humankind exerts have ...
May 15, 2016 We are pleased to announce the total amount of donation collected by the Charity auction event.The sum of donation provided by the 12 galleries whom participated the Charity auction of 2016 Tokyo Art & Antiques was 204,750 yen. We thank the...
東京アートアンティーク2016 特別企画座談会を開催2日目のの4月15日(金)18:30より開催いたしました。会場はコートヤード・バイ・マリオットステーション4階の会議室、シティカンファレンスで、予想より多くの方にお越しいただき、席もほぼ満席となりました。この座談会のゲ...