(table ware for sweets) Let's have an Omotenashi Art in everyday life
前回に引き続き、生活の中で「使う」ことができる器類で少し変わったものをいくつかご紹介します。 前回の記事 お茶菓子編 今回は花の器をご紹介します。 最後には、 スモールスペースに飾る絵画 と題して、壁にかける美術作品をご紹介します。絵画作品はもちろんのこと、...
Reservation fore lecture "Ancient Vessels - Selecting and Arranging" at Shouun has started. Please contact the gallery for reservation. 4.14(fri)- 4.15(sat) 13:30-15:00 at 2nd Floor Available : 20 seats Fee: 5,000 yen
Charity bid will be held at the galleries bellow. Part of the profit will be donated to charity organizations.(Please ask the gallery which organization the gallery will donating.) How to partícipate1. Check some the art works at the website. (Note: The bi...
Tokyo Art & Antiques is preparing many events this year too. We have announced our Charity auction detail. Charity Auction There are also many talk events such as ... KYOBASHI EDOGRAND -Special Talk Event- Gallery Talk by Tadashi Kawashima “Chinese Arts...
Yorozu Gallery will hold an exhibition called "the sense of touch × sight" by the ceramic artist Masayuki Nakamura and artist Yuya Matsumoto.
"Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in the global environment that humankind exerts have ...
ZEN Exibition was held at the National Museum last year. Master Hakuin was highly spotlighted in that Exhibition. During the Art-Fair, we will hold an Exhibition and Sale of such popular Master Hakuin and his related Bokuseki(Calligraphiy) and Bokuga(Painti...