Professional eyes
川島公之 僕が入社した30 年前頃には、叩き上げの目利きの先輩方がたくさんいた。龍泉堂の大番頭であった杉山定敏さんもその一人で、あれは入社して3 か月目を迎えた頃であろうか、当時の高橋三朗社長から、「今日は杉山さんが来るから、キミ、よく見ていなさい」と言われた...
川島公之 僕が入社した30 年前頃には、叩き上げの目利きの先輩方がたくさんいた。龍泉堂の大番頭であった杉山定敏さんもその一人で、あれは入社して3 か月目を迎えた頃であろうか、当時の高橋三朗社長から、「今日は杉山さんが来るから、キミ、よく見ていなさい」と言われた...
Charity bid will be held at the galleries bellow. Part of the profit will be donated to charity organizations.(Please ask the gallery which organization the gallery will donating.) How to partícipate1. Check some the art works at the website. (Note: The ...
Holding an art exhibition of Japanese artists work from Meiji, Taisho and Showa period (1868〜1989). We wish you to visit our exhibition and take opportunity to feel traditional Japanese art works.
Our gallery will be exhibiting blue and white dishes from the Ming to Qing dynasty at a reasonable price during the Tokyo Art & Antique period. Dishes that are great to serve sweets and cuisine. We will also exhibit celadons from the Southern Song to Mi...
*closed on 4/24 (wed), last day closes at 16:00 "Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in th...
*closed on 4/24 (wed), last day closes at 16:00 "Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in th...
We will exhibit small works of Japanese style paintings, hanging scroll paintings of Hyakusui Hirafuku, an artist from Akita prefecture and a talented rival of Yokoyama Taikan.
AFAMOK who lives in Tokyo loves Lowblow Art and Japanese contemporary art. We show the work of Fuko Ueda, Hikari Shimoda, Kazuki Takamatsu and Ozabu from his collection.
Our gallery deals with Asian works of art. In this exhibition, we spread the charms of ancient pieces.