Douts Exhibition
Ndoye Douts is a popular modern artist born in 1973 in Senegal, Africa. Gallery SUIHA is proud to display his paintings for the first time in Japan.
Ndoye Douts is a popular modern artist born in 1973 in Senegal, Africa. Gallery SUIHA is proud to display his paintings for the first time in Japan.
We are offering best Raku wares of from Chojiro the 1st to Raku Kichizaemon the 15th and other beautiful tea utensils.
We are basically distributing them at the participating galleries. But you can also find them at: Tokyo Square Garden, Tokyo Chuo City Tourist Information Center in KYOBASHI EDOGRAND, Nihonbashi Tourism Information Center in Nihonbashi COREDO, Near by hotel...
Tokyo Art & Antiques will start distributing the new pamphlet for 2019 at the "ART FAIR TOKYO 2019", from March 8 to 10. However, the distribution at each galleries, in Kyobashi and Nihonbashi, will be ready around late march. 22 galleries will be parti...
Jomon wares and "Haniwa" has become very popular world wide. We will be exhibiting these art of the Jomon period. The sophisticated forms and design made over 1000 years ago matches the modern space or other contemporary art that it will color up your life....
This exhibition is postponed. Online Exhibition only by appointment5/11 - 5/30, 2020 Basic exhibition (no appointment)around November, 202011:00-18:30 *there may be changes of dates due to the CODIV-19
*closed on 4/24 (wed), last day closes at 16:00 "Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in th...
*closed on 4/24 (wed), last day closes at 16:00 "Life on this planet" is a joint exhibition by two different type of galleries, the antique Oriental art "MOKKEI" and the gallery "Maison de neko", with the themes of living things on the planet. Changes in th...