• Art in Tokyo YNK vol.5


    Venue: Tokyo Square Garden Art Gallery (1F Entrance hall)   Art in Tokyo YNK" will be held at Tokyo Square Garden from November 6th to January 19th, 2024.  Art in Tokyo YNK" has been held several times from November 2021 as a new attempt to disseminate cont...

  • OFF MENU : 東風


    Hong Kong artists, Lousy and David Leung’s first show “OFF MENU: 東風” in Tokyo. From an east (Hong Kong) to another east (Tokyo), Lousy paints on all surfaces across all spaces, taking cues from the spontaneous energy of the city street. David Leung transf...

  • "Gallerist's little episodes "vol.5 BUNGO KAMISE from NANAYA posted.


    「店主の小咄」vol.5 は、京橋3丁目にある奈々八 上畝 文吾さんにご寄稿いただきました。 「随想 東仲通り」https://www.tokyoartantiques.com/vol.5/ ▼バックナンバーはこちら ■店主の小咄 vol.4 | 日本橋のオアシス【一番星画廊 星 巌】 ■店主の小咄 vol.3 | ヨボセヨ通り...

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